Send a virtual hug
#SendAHug to loved ones
We all want to give our loved ones a hug, but right now, sadly, we can’t. So why not show family and friends that you care and send a virtual hug instead!
Every week in the UK, around two children are diagnosed with neuroblastoma, an aggressive cancer that usually affects children under the age of five. #SendAHug to your loved ones by decorating your own ‘hug’ and show your support for children with neuroblastoma and their families.
We’ll choose an image every week to use on our social media profiles, share on our website and on our social media channels. So join in, stay home and have fun!
Because neuroblastoma doesn’t stop for coronavirus, and neither will we.
How to join in
To get started, download and print your ‘hug’ template (you may recognise it from our logo!)
Cut out your template (you may need a grown up to help you)
Use your imagination and decorate your hugs. You could dress them in our running vests, in your favourite colours or turn them into a nurse, doctor or even your favourite superhero!
Display in your windows for everyone to see, send to loved ones or share on social media
Share on social media using our hashtag (#SendAHug) and tagging us.
“I #SendAHug to @ . I nominate @ and @ to take part and support @neuroblastomauk in the fight against childhood cancer. To make a donation, text NBUK10 to 70085 to donate £10 today.”
Anyone can join in and you can decorate as many hugs as you like!
Get your family and friend to send their hugs too. You could nominate two people to #SendAHug to two more people - let’s make this as big a hug as we can!
Did you know?
These colourful paper dolls were part of a Guinness World Records attempt!
To celebrate the launch of Julia Donaldson's book called The Paper Dolls, the team made a Guinness World Records attempt for the longest chain of paper dolls.
Children around the world decorated paper dolls and made a chain over 4.5km - that’s the length of 40 football pitches or 80,000 jelly babies laid end-to-end!
Donate today and help fight neuroblastoma
The significant financial impact of coronavirus on our fundraising activities may mean that we simply can’t afford to support new research. It is only with your support NOW that we can fund new research in the future.
We don’t receive any government funding and rely on your generous donations to continue our fight against neuroblastoma. Please support our urgent appeal today.
Text to donate is a quick and easy way to support our work.
Simply text NBUK followed by the amount to 70085*
Text NBUK5 to donate £5, NBUK10 to donate £10 or NBUK20 to donate £20.