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Layla goes to great lengths to raise £1000
Layla Kirk, aged nine from Winchmore Hill in Enfield raised an incredible £1,000 by having 16 inches cut from her long locks during lockdown!
Layla chose to support Neuroblastoma UK after hearing about family friends who lost their son to neuroblastoma when he was just five years old.

Send a virtual hug
We all want to give our loved ones a hug, but right now, sadly, we can’t. So why not show family and friends that you care and send a virtual hug instead!
#SendAHug to your loved ones by decorating your own ‘hug’ and show your support for children with neuroblastoma and their families.

Thank you joining our Great Give It Up
When we launched our Great Give It Up challenge earlier this year, we never imagined it would be made twice as hard by a nationwide lockdown!
We were overwhelmed by the dedication of our Great Give It Up supporters. You’ve done us proud and we can’t thank you enough.

A quizzy night with a Chatty Man...
Our Patron Alan Carr, along with celebrity friend Angellica Bell, supported Neuroblastoma UK at a local quiz night in March 2020, raising nearly £7,000!
Our Chair of Trustees and guest blogger Tony Heddon writes about this fantastic event.