Text NBUK10 to 70085* to donate £10 today.
We urgently need your support.
Every week in the UK, around two families are told their child has neuroblastoma, a rare childhood cancer. We fund leading research projects to develop new, more effective and kinder treatments for children with neuroblastoma.
But with the latest government guidelines about social distancing, self-isolation and working from home, our communities are hugely affected. And so is our income.
Our fundraising is at risk.
We’re predicting a huge loss of over 30% in donations this year. This could delay our funding of vital neuroblastoma research for next year and beyond.
We don’t receive any government funding and rely on voluntary donations to continue our work.
Many fundraising events have been cancelled over the next few weeks and months. Events which would have helped to fund essential research into neuroblastoma.
We need to fund more research.
Like many other charities, we are struggling. The significant shortfall in donations means that we have had to make a very difficult decision about our next research grant round.
We hoped to launch our biggest ever biennial research competition later this year, and support more neuroblastoma research projects than ever before. In February, we were on target to achieve our objective. Covid-19 changed the situation almost overnight.
Sadly, due to lack of funds, we have been forced to postpone this year's grant round which was due to open in Autumn. At the moment, we simply do not know when we will be in a position to accept funding applications.
We are all devastated that we cannot support as much new neuroblastoma research as we would like. And many other charities are facing the same difficult decisions. Medical research charities together spent £1.9billion on research last year, accounting for over half of non-commercial medical research funding. But the pandemic is causing a funding crisis in medical research.
Donate today and help fight neuroblastoma
We don’t receive any government funding and rely on your generous donations to continue our fight against neuroblastoma. There are lots of ways to support our work and raise much-needed funds, without leaving your home.
Please support our urgent appeal and make a donation online today
Text to donate is a quick and easy way to support our work.
Simply text NBUK followed by the amount to 70085*
Text NBUK5 to donate £5, NBUK10 to donate £10 or NBUK20 to donate £20.
Being able to predict how much money we will raise each year is vital - you could help us by setting up a regular donation.
If you’ve had to cancel birthday celebrations, why not set up a Facebook fundraiser? It’s a really easy way for your family and friends to donate money and support a cause that is important to you, without leaving Facebook.
Whatever you choose to do, or how much you choose to donate, you can help make a huge difference to children with neuroblastoma and their families.
Thank you, from all of us at Neuroblastoma UK.
*Texts cost one standard rate message, plus your donation amount.
Your details are safe with us. Please take a look at our Privacy Policy for more information.
If you would like to change how we contact you, please call 020 3096 7890 or email hello@neuroblastoma.org.uk.