Marcus Wareing's Custard Tart

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It’s the tart that Marcus served to the Queen in 2006 for her 80th birthday. Serve it at home for a Get Together dinner party for a slice of royalty - or add the royal touch to a coffee morning!

Marcus Wareing custard tart pic 2_opt.jpg


Tart Pastry

  • 225g flour

  • Pinch of salt

  • 1 lemon, zest only

  • 150g butter

  • 75g caster sugar

  • 1 egg

  • 1 egg yolk

Custard Filling

  • 9 egg yolks

  • 75g caster sugar

  • 500ml whipping cream

  • 2 whole nutmeg, for grating


Preheat your oven to 170°C/gas mark 3.

Tart Pastry

  1. Rub together the flour, salt, lemon zest and butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add the sugar.

  2. Beat together the egg yolk and whole egg and slowly add to the mixture. Mix until the pastry forms a ball. Wrap tightly in cling film and refrigerate for two hours.

  3. Line your tart tin (18cm/7in) with greaseproof paper and place on a baking sheet.

  4. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to 2mm in thickness. Carefully arrange the rolled pastry into the tray and use any excess pastry to push into the corners to ensure the pastry is flush with the tray.

  5. Line the inside of the pastry with baking paper, covering all parts of the pastry.

  6. Fill the lined tart shell with ceramic baking beans, rice or dry pulses. Bake blind for about 10 minutes or until the pastry is starting to turn golden brown. Remove the beans, rice or pulses, and allow to cool.

  7. While cooling, turn the oven down to 130°C/gas mark 1 so you can cook your custard tart.

Custard Filling

  1. Bring the cream to the boil. Whisk the yolks and sugar together then add the cream and mix well.

  2. Pass the mixture through a fine sieve or muslin cloth into a jug.

  3. Place the empty pastry case in the oven then pour the custard mix right to the brim.

  4. Grate the nutmeg liberally over the top then bake for 30-40 minutes or until the custard appears set but not too firm.

  5. Remove from the oven and allow to cool to room temperature before serving.

Host a Get Together this September

Get Together with family and friends this September, and raise money to help fight neuroblastoma, a devastating childhood cancer.

Whether you host a BBQ, a Sunday roast, a coffee morning or even a teddy bear’s picnic, your Get Together this September will make a big difference to children with neuroblastoma and their families.

Find out more>>>


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